Adapt to These Marketing Trends Or See Your Business Die in 2022

Sonu Y.
6 min readMay 13, 2022

The pandemic might be over but its effect on Marketing will be long lasting. In the past few years, we’ve seen a massive shift toward digital marketing, and this is likely to continue in the coming years.

The business world around us is changing, in fact, we’re now literally being forced to change the way we market and do business. It’s no longer enough to just have a website, you now need to have an online presence and be active on social media.

One of the biggest changes we’ve seen is the move from traditional advertising to content marketing. This is because content marketing is more effective at engaging customers and fostering relationships.

Another change we’re seeing is the rise of mobile marketing. As more and more people use their smartphones as their primary device, it’s becoming increasingly important to reach them where they are.

Throughout my career in Marketing, I’ve seen firsthand how important it is to adapt to change. I’ve seen businesses die because they refused to change with the times. In this rapidly changing world, Marketing is no exception.

It’s funny but it reminds me of something my Marketing professor used to say:

“The only constant in Marketing is change.”

I still recall the analogy of boiling frog he used in our Marketing class. He said that there are two kinds of Marketing people in the world: those who are like the frog in boiling water, react immediately but they need a big change to happen to do so; and those who are like the frog in cold water, they don’t react until it’s too late. If you want to survive and thrive in Marketing, you need neither to be the frog in boiling water nor the frog in cold water. You need to be like the frog in the former, meaning, you need to react to even the tiniest of change quickly but not wait for a big change to happen.

You could be the difference between your business succeeding or failing in the years to come.

I have met so many Marketing professionals but only a few have this quality. And I’m not saying this to toot my own horn but Marketing is something that I’m passionate about, and I firmly believe that the market change is a process that takes. Before any major change happens, there are minor changes that take place which we Marketing professionals need to take note of and act on quickly.

For instance, take Elon Musk taking over Twitter Marketing example. Now it is certain that Twitter Marketing is not going to stay the same. There are big changes coming. But that doesn’t mean that we sit tight and wait for the big change to happen. We need to start preparing our businesses for the change now.

The way I see it, Marketing is like a game of chess. And in order to be successful, you need to be able to think several steps ahead. You need to be able to anticipate the changes that are coming and make the necessary adjustments.

Well, that’s one trend but what about the others?

What other marketing trends do businesses need to look out for?

Here are some of the other marketing trends that businesses need to be aware of to make sure that they thrive and not just survive in 2022:

Hybrid Events

There’s no doubt that hybrid events are going to be big in 2022. With the pandemic still raging on, many businesses are hesitant to commit to in-person events. But at the same time, they don’t want to miss out on the benefits that come with face-to-face interactions.

This is where hybrid events come in. Consider these events to be a mix of virtual and in-person elements. For example, you could have a keynote speaker who is physically present at the event but the rest of the attendees could be virtual.

Hybrid events are a combination of virtual and in-person events. They allow businesses to reach a larger audience while still providing the personal touch that comes with in-person events.

What this does is it allows businesses to still hold events while being mindful of the risks associated with the pandemic.

If you’re planning on holding an event in 2022, consider making it a hybrid event. It will allow you to reach a larger audience and still provide the personal touch that comes with in-person events.

Content Alignment

Another trend that businesses need to be aware of is content alignment. This is when the content on your website, social media, and other marketing materials are in sync.

For example, let’s say you’re a company that sells eco-friendly products. Your website would be focused on sustainability, your social media would be focused on green living, and your marketing materials would be focused on the environment.

Content alignment is important because it allows you to maintain a consistent message across all channels. It’s important to have a consistent message because it helps build trust with your audience.

If you’re not sure if your content is aligned, take a look at your website, social media, and marketing materials. If the topics and messages are different, then you need to work on aligning your content.

More Than A Business

Another trend that businesses need to be aware of is the shift from being seen as just a business to being seen as a force for good.

What this means is that businesses need to start focusing on more than just their bottom line. They need to start considering the impact they have on the world.

This shift is being driven by consumers who are increasingly looking to support companies that have a mission or a cause.

So, if you want to stay ahead of the curve, start thinking about ways your business can give back. This could be anything from donating to a charity to starting an environmental initiative.

By doing this, you’ll not only be helping the world, but you’ll also be helping your business.

Marketing Ownership

The shift from marketing being seen as a cost centre to marketing being seen as an investment is another trend that businesses need to be aware of.

You can already see a lot of marketing and sales companies taking ownership of the products or services they help sell.

This is a trend that’s likely to continue because it’s beneficial for both sides. When companies take ownership of the products or services they sell, they’re more motivated to sell them.

And when marketing and sales teams have a stake in the product or service, they’re more likely to sell it effectively.

So if you’re in marketing or sales, start looking for ways that you can take ownership of the products or services you sell. It’s beneficial for both you and the company you work for.

Alternatives to Third Party Cookies

Another trend that businesses need to be aware of is the shift from third-party cookies to first-party data.

Third-party cookies are being phased out because they’re seen as intrusive and privacy-invading.

First-party data is seen as a more privacy-friendly alternative because it’s data that’s collected by the business itself.

So if you’re still using third-party cookies, now is the time to switch to first-party data. It’s more privacy-friendly and it’s what consumers want.

Artificial Intelligence

Last but not least, businesses need to be aware of the trend toward artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is being used more and more in marketing and sales.

It’s being used for things like targeted advertising, lead generation, and even sales automation.

Not only this but artificial intelligence is also being used to create more personalized and humanized content.

It is estimated that by 2022, artificial intelligence will be responsible for creating 80% of all content.

So if you’re not already using artificial intelligence in your marketing and sales, now is the time to start.

Final Thoughts

These are just a few of the marketing trends that businesses need to be aware of.

If you want to stay ahead of the curve, you need to be aware of these trends and adapt to them.

If you don’t, you’ll risk seeing your business die in 2022.



Sonu Y.

Digital Marketer. Writer. Social Scientist | Writing: Marketing, SEO, Small Businesses and Growth Hacks: