Get Ahead Of The Mobile Web: AMP

Sonu Y.
6 min readMay 3, 2022

We are now living in a digital world where every second counts. This is especially true when it comes to advertising. If your pages or ads take more than a second to load, you could be losing potential customers and a lot of money. For online businesses, it is essential to stay ahead of the curve and keep up with the latest trends, like Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP).

What are Accelerated Mobile Pages?

AMP is an open-source framework that allows businesses to create fast, responsive and user-friendly web pages. More importantly, AMP pages can load up to four times faster than traditional mobile pages. This is crucial for businesses because it means that potential customers are less likely to click away from your page if they have to wait more than a few seconds for it to load.

Image Source: Instapage

Why Should You Care?

The bottom line is that if you want to stay ahead of the competition, you need to be using Accelerated Mobile Pages. AMP pages load faster, which means that potential customers are less likely to click away from your page.

In addition, Google has stated that they give preference to AMP pages in their search results. This means that if you want your pages to rank on the first page and be seen by as many people as possible, you need to be using AMP in unison with other optimization techniques.

How Does It Work?

The AMP framework is designed to be lightweight and fast. When you create an AMP page, you are essentially stripping away anything that could slow down the loading time, like large images or videos. This doesn’t mean that your pages have to be boring — you can still include all of the same elements, you just have to be more strategic about how you include them.

Image Source: Instapage

For example, if you want to include a video on your AMP page, you would need to host it on a third-party site like YouTube or Vimeo and then embed the link onto your page. This is because videos can significantly increase the loading time of a page if they are not properly compressed.

What Are The 3 Components of AMP?

Worried that you won’t be able to take advantage of AMP because you’re not a developer?

Don’t worry, it’s actually quite simple. AMP pages are built with the following three core components:


It is essentially HTML with some restrictions for enhanced performance. Mots of the tags in AMP HTML are the same as regular HTML tags, but some of them have been modified or replaced.

For example, the img tag has been replaced with the amp-img tag.

AMP JS Library

This is a JavaScript library that ensures fast rendering of AMP pages. It manages resource loading and lays out AMP pages to ensure that they are displayed correctly, no matter what device they are being viewed on.

AMP Cache

The AMP Cache is a content delivery network (CDN) that caches and delivers AMP pages. This means that once an AMP page has been created, it can be served to anyone, anywhere in the world, almost instantly.

How is AMP Different From Other Technologies?

While there are other technologies that aim to improve the speed of web pages, AMP is different in a few key ways.

First, AMP pages are designed to be extremely lightweight. This means that they can load faster, even on slow internet connections.

Second, AMP pages are designed to be responsive. This means that they can be viewed on any device, regardless of the screen size.

Finally, AMP pages are designed to be accessible. This means that they can be used by anyone, regardless of their ability or disability.

AMP Vs. Responsive Web Design

While AMP and responsive web design (RWD) both aim to improve the speed and responsiveness of web pages, there are a few key differences.

First, RWD is a design approach, while AMP is a framework. This means that RWD can be used to create any type of website, while AMP is specifically designed for creating fast, responsive pages.

Second, RWD is designed to be used by developers, while AMP can be used by anyone. This means that you don’t need to be a developer to create an AMP page — you can use a platform like Instapage to easily create AMP pages without any coding required.

Finally, RWD is a more complex technology, while AMP is designed to be lightweight and simple. This means that AMP pages can load faster than RWD pages.

AMP Vs. Progressive Web Apps

Progressive web apps (PWAs) are similar to AMP pages in that they are designed to be fast and responsive. However, there are a few key differences.

First, PWAs are designed to be used as apps, while AMP pages can be used as either apps or websites. This means that PWAs have some features that AMP pages don’t, like the ability to work offline and push notifications.

Second, PWAs are more complex than AMP pages. This means that they can take longer to load.

Finally, PWAs can be used on any device, while AMP pages can only be used on devices that support the AMP technology.

It is evident that AMP is better than other technologies in many ways. AMP is faster, lighter and more accessible than other technologies. If you want to improve the speed of your web pages, AMP is the way to go.

But the next big question is does it affect on-screen ads?

How does AMP affect on-screen ad platforms?

The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project has been built with a number of features to support advertising and other monetization models.

One such feature is the AMP-ad tag, which allows for the insertion of standard ad units on AMP pages. The AMP-ad tag is designed to be safe and fast, and supports a number of ad networks and demand-side platforms (DSPs).

In addition, the AMP runtime includes a mechanism that can be used to prefetch AMP creative assets. This means that ads can be loaded before they are needed, which reduces latency and improves performance.

Finally, the AMPruntime includes a mechanism to render AMP pages in a “sandboxed” iframe. This means that AMP pages can be isolated from the rest of the page, which reduces the risk of malicious code being executed on the user’s device.

So, how do we create AMP pages?

How to Create an AMP Page?

Now that you know what AMP is and how it works, you might be wondering how you can create an AMP page.

Fortunately, there are a few different ways to do this.

If you’re a developer, you can create an AMP page from scratch using the AMP HTML, JS, and Cache components.

If you’re not a developer, you can use platforms like Instapage to create AMP pages without any coding required.

Finally, if you’re using WordPress, you can install the AMP for WordPress plugin to automatically convert your existing pages into AMP pages.

Last Words on AMP

AMP is a great way to improve the speed and responsiveness of your web pages. However, it’s important to understand the difference between AMP and other technologies like responsive web design and progressive web apps.

If you want to create fast, responsive pages, AMP is the way to go. If you want to create a progressive web app, you might want to consider other technologies.

AMP is constantly evolving and expanding. So, if you’re not using AMP yet, now is the time to start!

If you have any questions about AMP or how to create an AMP page, you can reach out to SEO Vendor experts or feel free to leave a comment below.



Sonu Y.

Digital Marketer. Writer. Social Scientist | Writing: Marketing, SEO, Small Businesses and Growth Hacks: